In its heyday, under the management of LightKeeper, Lower Lights was the largest chat-oriented dial BBS in Utah. It first went into service on February 15th, 1991. At that time it was a two-line system running DLX BBS software.
At the time that Lower Lights started, the Internet as we know it today was just beginning. It did not offer any serious competition to Lower Lights, although many of its more dedicated users like myself (elyograg) did have Internet accounts.
In its later years, Lower Lights was under my supervision as co-sysop and senior administrator of Western Online, the Internet Service Provider that grew out of the BBS business. Lower Lights found itself the losing competitor in the online chat world. The various instant messenger clients were probably the biggest reason for declining popularity.
Shortly after the ten year anniversary, the owner decided to pass the torch on to Xanic, who was junior administrator at Westen Online. Soon after that, the BBS file server suffered a major crash. Faced with the difficult task of rebuilding the file server to bring back the BBS, LightKeeper decided to permanently pull the plug.
In the spring of 2003, LightKeeper sold all interest in Western Online Services to a third party. I took ownership of the "" domain, and this site was born.
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